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An entrepreneur, writer, Believer, optimist, encourager, teacher, farm wife, mother & 

mindset coach, committed to honor and encourage kindness on this earth.



am Carol behind Common-Woman. I live with my husband David southeast of Fairview, Kansas, the community where we grew up. Family, friends and neighbors nearby make this old farmhouse the perfect place for us.  I am grateful for our home. I am thankful and blessed to live freely with my faith in Jesus. 

I cherish the idea of a picture-perfect garden. However, the bottom line is that the weeds take over when I get busy, and the rabbits have a hey-day--every time. I  am so glad for the generosity and prosperity of real gardeners who offer their produce at the local farmers' markets! 


When I have time, I like to hang laundry outside to dry. Taxes, the stray cat who chose us on April 15, enjoys stealing clothespins and having me chase him down to retrieve them. It's built-in mini-cardio moments! Fun times! 


I am astounded at the ordinary.

Invariably, it becomes extraordinary 


am the director of a 501 c-3 youth organization Grains For Hope. Teen members come up with projects to help others grow and prosper. My job is to help the members find the means to accomplish their goals. Through this process, Grains For Hope helps young adults develop their own compassion, confidence and character. Working with them, I am blessed every moment. 

Some of my favorite things at the moment:


Which Brings Me To You!


onnecting and communicating with people of any age and from any place make my heart sing. Listening to real stories told by real people is amazing.

This is where Common-Woman  is coming from. You bring your own story. You share your thoughts. We will share the stories of the common experiences of life. Uplifting women. Uplifting people. Together.

Thanks for taking the time to visit common-woman. I'm thrilled we are connected! 




Jesus is Better

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