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Acts of Kindness All Around

This week, common-woman appreciates customer service. There truly is great goodness in our world. Thank you to each person who makes daily life pleasant and efficient.

 Here are some good things that happened recently in the common-woman part of America:

1.)During the past couple of weeks, people in the medical field have given me encouragement, comfort, medical expertise and human compassion. I am so grateful.

2.)Last week, I was scared. I didn't understand a strange message that kept appearing on the generator read-out.

    I contacted the Echo company in Iowa. I shared my concerns via text messages and pictures. Jeremy and Tina at Generac figured out the trouble. They reassure me that all would be well.

"No worries". 

 Do you know just how good that feels to think, "no worries?"  

I receive a call today. The Generac team will be at my house tomorrow. Gratitude and appreciation to Generac, Echo, Tina and Jeremy.  

3.) I have been talking  with insurance company personnel. From three unrelated companies, the representatives gathered information and shared it with me. Voluntarily. No strings attached. Just solid information that helped me figure out what I needed to do next. Appreciation and thanks.

4.) The person at the checkout line at the grocery store looks me in the eye and asks if I would like paper or plastic. The bags are neither too heavy or too light. Kind voices call, "Have a nice day!" I am grateful to head home with my bags of food. 

5.) In the café, the woman serving lunch is genuinely kind and cheerful. She thanks the customers with absolute sincerity. Hearing her kind voice is a pleasure. It makes my lunch taste even more delicious. Thanks for this happy place.

6.) The local library calls and leaves a message on the answering machine. The book my husband has been dying to read has come it. The library will hold it for him. Thanks for going above and beyond to supply requested books! You are appreciated. 

7.) An older sister carries her younger sister down the stairs. The steps are too steep for little legs. Perhaps this is not actually "customer" service. It is gentleness in service.

8.) The man in the wheelchair has a bit of trouble opening the door. A teen sees the need and runs to swing the door wide for the wheelchair. The man and the teen talk about the cold weather as they walk through the door. This reaching out enriches them both-and me.

9.) The woman with the beautiful flock of chickens brings some fancy pullet eggs to share at church. Several of us had run out of eggs. Her service saved us steps. 

10.) The singer offers a beautiful song to support the Veterans. The cook offers the food to honor the Veterans. The soldier offers memories to respect the Veterans. The community offers gratitude for life and freedom to the Veterans. The Veterans offer themselves.

11.) To the farmers and all related agribusinesses, consumers offer appreciation for putting the food on our tables. Be safe in the fields and on the roads. 

12.) Teachers offer learning opportunities. Learners offer teaching opportunities. Grace to both.

13.) Caregivers bring peace to the families of those in their care. They soothe and comfort. Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication to providing dignified care.

Thanks and Gratefulness to All

We give and receive through appreciation and gratitude.  

What services and gifts do you see going on around you this week?

Perhaps take a moment and glance through this list of items. When you are waiting on the bus, waiting while someone runs into the store, before you drift off to sleep, make a mental list of some of the following:

I’m grateful for two things I see:

I’m grateful for two things I can smell:

I’m grateful for two things I can see through the window:

I’m grateful for these two things I can taste:

I’m grateful for these two green plants that grow:

I’m grateful for these two animals/birds:

I’m grateful for these two friends:I’m grateful for these two teachers:

I’m grateful for these two family members:

I’m grateful for these two people who have helped me:

I'm grateful for these two chores I do well:

I'm grateful for these two skills I learned from a relative:

I'm grateful for these two books or movies I really enjoy:

I'm grateful to be able to participate in these two activities:

Thank you for your contributions that make life such a gift.  You are appreciated. 

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