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Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The following prayer was given by the late Rabbi Jonathon Sacks March, 2020.

I added the italicized lines for humanity’s help today: January 27, 2023

Please be with us all in this hour of trial. Heal those who are sick (and weary of fear and destruction). Give strength to those who give them comfort. Be with those heroes and heroines who manage our medical systems: the doctors, the nurses, the medical auxiliaries. (Help all who give of themselves to protect and to encourage.) Give strength to all those who sustain our essential services: who stock our supermarkets, who dispense the medicines we need. Extend to us Your love. Remove from us all hate. Let us be joined in this time of trial, in our sense of belonging to one another. And help us, when all of this is over, to build a better, more just and safer world.

To a Wild Rose by Edward McDowell

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