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Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28,29. 

Inspiration. Think about a sweet rest, lying in a hammock on a warm summer afternoon. Under tall shade trees,a gentle breeze blows the fragrance of honeysuckle across your face. It’s midday, and you have the whole rest of the day and evening to refresh your body, mind and spirit...This ideal nap time picture appears in my mind when I read Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I can almost feel the inspiration growing in my imaginary nap site! 

Note the term: IMAGINARY nap time in daily life 2019, we seldom have the time for a real nap.

An alternative to a physical rest is to think and speak inspirational thoughts and words. This can help refresh and revive our enthusiasm for life. Inspirational behavior is powerful, as well.  Encouragement and positive actions can come in the form of smiles, waiting turns in traffics, or allowing someone to go first in the checkout line at the grocery store. We are God-given and loved by God. It is important to recognize our worth and value with grateful and inspired vocabulary in our daily lives. 

“I will give you rest’ exists through positive thinking and speaking. Give yourself inspiration through words that bring comfort and rest. The “I” in THINK reminds us to  choose thoughts, words and actions that INSPIRE: Here are some examples of inspirational words and phrases to jumpstart uplifting and inspirational communication. This week, share some of the following to inspire yourself and others: Inspirational Phrases

“Good for you!”

“You really gave your best effort!”

“I’m proud of your progress!”

“Look how far you’ve come!”

“You are such a great example!”

“You are appreciated.”

“You went above and beyond on this project.”

“I know it wasn’t an easy task, but you stuck with it until it was finished.”

“Thank you for being you.”

Inspirational Words: hope







Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” —E. E. Cummings. 

Inspire someone else because you have first inspired YOU!

Think of ways to rest in your inspiration. Inspire You.  Inspire Others Reach out with inspiration. 

Be your best.

Inspire. . .

When you know better you do better. – Maya Angelou 

For the next five weeks, common-woman will focus on THINK before you speak. This is not meant to accuse or cause stress for ANYONE. This effort will be to offer a few ideas for a fresher, kinder way of talking with ourselves and others.

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