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K. We have reached the final letter in the word THINK. 





K is foremost for Kindness

Kindness. Kinship. Knowledge. Keep

Kinship sees us reaching out to one another as sisters and brothers through our words.

Kindness bring us together in our conversations, communities, country and planet.

Knowledge of the precious value of communication tunes us in to the Fruits of the Spirit. 

Knowledge and careful attention paid to the feelings of ourselves and others build calmness & trust.

Know each of us as a child of God: You. Me. All of us.

Know how to look for the face of God in the faces of family and friends. 

Knowing this is much more difficult:

Know how to look for the face of God in the faces of enemies.

Keep conversations rooted in compassion, grace and joy. Loving self-talk and conversation help.

Keep communication real & true.  Stay away from false words: hearsay, rumors. gossip, hurtful talk.

Kindness. Give yourself the kindness you are made for. See yourself as that precious child of God.

24 Karat Gold. 10 Karat Diamonds. Rubies. Emeralds. Pearls. 

All these gems and precious metals are valuable in measuring wealth by currency standards.

You are more precious than all the treasures on this earth. 

You are higher than the gold standard. You are valuable beyond measure. You matter.

You are the best. You make a real difference by being on this earth. 

You belong. You are welcomed and loved and valued for being exactly who you are right now.

Love yourself. Let others love you and lift you up. At other times, you have done the same for others. 

No matter your: 

Wealth. Lack of Wealth.  Age. Job. No Job. Birthplace.  How you look. What you need. Where you live. 

No matter if you are:

Healthy. Sick. Recovering. Helping. Receiving Help. Loving. Angry. Hopeful. Scared. Confident.

I am grateful for you, whoever you are; wherever you are. This world would not be the same without your presence. Others are grateful for you, too. 

Thank you for showing up and sharing yourself with common-woman. You are appreciated.

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