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Rural Family Tradition

On December 1,  I was privileged to attend a local  private cattle auction. For decades, members of this dedicated farm family have poured love, time, resources and hard work into diversified agribusiness efforts.  They are particularly noted for their forward looking expertise in building the development of exceptional cow families.

At the ranch, the hosts extend their warm hospitality to all in attendance. The delicious home raised and homemade food is enjoyed by all. Old and new friends are welcomed. The conversations have that feel of true friendship and respect.

The auctioneering crew declares the opening of the auction. Potential buyers cue in either in person or online. Terms and conditions are noted.

The entrance door to the ring is opened. Then, one at a time, the stars of the show file in.

Anticipation grows as a brief bio is shared for each male or female of the cow family entering the arena. Potential buyers cue in either in person or online.  Details include the specific family tree and lineage. Individual strengths and characteristics are explained. Each one is strong, healthy and carefully groomed.

The smooth efficiency of the event speaks to the tradition of practical thought and applied innovation. The good health and easy going, calm nature of every animal gives credit to the outstanding care they receive day in and day out.

Congratulations and continued success as you develop strong cow families. Many thanks for this opportunity to enjoy a glimpse into a rural family tradition.

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