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Thank a Farmer

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Inspire -To breathe life into. Respirator, respires-to breathe

Take a breath and share a smile.

Let’s talk about a powerful inspiration of appreciation for our farmers. Farmers share the abundance  of the fruits of their labor across America. The local harvest is in progress. Combines, grain carts, trucks, tractors and implements are in the fields and on the roads.  Spray and planting planes fly overhead. Grain elevators provide storage. Trains and barges receive and take away the grain to large terminals, businesses and ships. It’s a well-executed pattern that serves to move the food for America.

Uncertainty is part of the game of agricultural businesses. Last year it was dry. This year it’s been wet. What will the prices be when it’s time to sell? Planting costs? Other?  What will that bottom line be? These are realities of rural life.

In spite of it all, farmers and related agribusinesses carry on with the inspiration of hope and determination.

“1% Inspiration; 99% Perspiration”, my favorite aunt used to say. Along with that 1% of inspiration, farmers and ranchers invest their wisdom, practical experience, dedication and hard work to raise crops and livestock-100% of the time. It’s a massive job, successfully achieved by inspired farmers and farm families. Gratitude is the only appropriate response. Sunday evening, I had the opportunity to chat with a person who works at a nearby grain elevator. This person mentioned several farm women who brought delicious chili and cinnamon rolls, cookies and other goodies for the elevator personnel. Now that’s an inspiration that speaks without words! It’s a silent vote of appreciation and confidence in the power of hard work by a team committed to agriculture.

Photo Submitted by Faith Quilter

Rural life requires individual investment in time and resources. It requires communities supporting this noble life of bringing food to America.

This week, please take a few minutes to be grateful to the inspiration that is part of rural life. Be patient on the roads and highways as people move farm equipment from field to field. Breathe a little prayer for the people living the rural life. Farmers and ranchers along with related agricultural teams and agribusinesses put the food on our tables. These rural business people are inspired visionaries who move into the future with confidence. They are inspired to keep up the cycle of providing abundant nutritional goods through their dedication of work and faith in rural life.

Photo Submitted by Faith Quilter

Thank you, American agribusiness people, for sharing your food with us. You inspire and nourish us abundantly every day. Take good care and be safe as you work to bring food to our tables. We are grateful to you.

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