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You are important. You are enough.


You are important because you are you.

Each person is important because she or he is on this earth. 

At one time or another, some of us have felt inadequate. Insufficient. 

Not enough. Powerless. Alone. Maybe even desperate. 

Then somebody smiled, said hello, held out a hand to you in friendship. Someone offered the help you needed right then. 

You trusted. You reached out for help and the help was there.

I believe in the power of good and the power of caring. 

Trust your resilient spirit. Trust God. Know you are a gift to yourself and to others.

In your life, you have helped others know they are valuable and valued. You have given 

hope to someone. Many times.

You may never know the details. 

But know this: Your life makes this world a better place. You are appreciated.

You make a positive difference because you are you.

You are absolutely enough. You matter. You belong. 

Thank you for being, growing whole and living with your courageous heart and soul.

“You are the one you have been waiting for.”                                                                    ~Byron Katie

Here’s a simple way to remind yourself that God loves you, His precious child:

  1. With a marker, write on 10 sticky notes 10 different good things about yourself.

  2. Stick those 10 happy messages on your bathroom mirror.

  3. Each morning and each evening, repeat out loud each of those 10 good things.

Do this for one week. Look into your beautiful eyes and be thankful for your life.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”  ~Martha Graham

September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness month. If you or someone you know and love is struggling with suicidal thoughts, depression or mental illness, please reach out for help. Please don’t suffer your pain alone.

You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at

1.800.273. TALK (8255). 

For additional information, here are a couple of addresses you may wish to check out.

Positive, uplifting reassurance can bring help and hope. 

I visit many online sites. I study daily Bible devotions, books, articles, engage in face to face conversations with friends, listen to music, and appreciate pictures that lift my spirit and help my understanding.


A website that I visit frequently is The following blog written by Kristi Nelson

“Befriending Ourselves: An Invitation to Love” is about being friends with ourselves. The link to her whole article is below, if you would like to read it:

Two ideas Kristi Nelson shared really caught my attention. 

“But before any efforts toward self-improvement… there is great wisdom in first learning to compassionately accept and attentively appreciate ourselves for the great fullness and truth of who we are and how we got here.” 


“We can practice beholding rather than belittling, befriending rather than begrudging.”



I have been thinking of Kristi’s ideas while studying Matthew 22:37-40. I am all over the place thinking about how it relates to me. To you. To all of us. What do you think?

When you read Matthew 22:37-40, and you read the ideas shared by Kristi, what do you think it means to be our own friend and to love ourselves as precious children of God? 

If you have comments you want to share, feel free to send me a message or an email, or a paper letter by the USPS. Make it anonymous, if you prefer. On the return address, just draw a heart or a smiley face! It’s all good!  

Common-Woman is a place to share ideas and understandings.

Thank you for taking the time to read  I am humbled and grateful to you for sharing your valuable time and heart.

Prayers for us all. 

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